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5 XTMP Automation Use Cases to Implement with the Holder Automation Builder

Ariana Layton
February 1, 2024

Yesterday, we announced the launch of XMTP Automation in Holder. 

XMTP Automation integrates the power of web3 automation with wallet messaging — making XMTP features more accessible in the Holder Automation Builder

By combining these powers, users can build cohesive web3 customer journeys.  

Today, we will discuss five customer use cases empowered by XMTP Automation. 

What is XMTP Automation? 

XMTP Automation is a cross between wallet-based messaging and marketing automation.

Utilizing the secure XMTP messaging network, users can send web3-native messages directly to customers' crypto wallets, all while incorporating marketing automation. 

Holder users are utilizing XMTP Automation features to strategically engage with their customers at pivotal moments, delivering tailored messages with perfect timing. 

What are some wallet messaging use cases that incorporate XMTP automation? 

There are many ways to build personalized, engaging experiences for your web3 customers with automated wallet messaging responses. 

By programming an XMTP chatbot in Holder, you can send XMTP responses based on keywords and on-chain actions, respond via specific wallet addresses, build cross-channel journeys, and more. 

Level up your wallet messaging strategy with these five new web3 automation journeys. 

1. Re-Engaging Churning Customers

Utilize XMTP Automation to reconnect with your customers before they churn. 

Employ the Holder Automation Builder to trigger an XMTP message when an NFT transfer occurs, enabling you to engage with customers in real-time as they approach churn. Develop a win-back campaign to maintain the interest of former holders in your brand by offering an exclusive deal if they purchase a new NFT from your collection.

Incorporating XMTP automation into your win-back strategy allows you to connect with users in real-time and reach them in their crypto wallet directly.

2. Rewarding Loyal Customers 

Effortlessly acknowledge and incentivize devoted customers through the integration of web3 automation.

Establish an automated process to monitor your customer's interactions with your brand. Seamlessly track your customer's loyalty to your brand. When customers surpass your predefined loyalty threshold, (such as owning five or more of your NFTs), automatically send an XMTP message to recognize their commitment to your brand.

To spice up their web3 journey even more, explore the creation of a VIP campaign for loyal customers — continue captivating their interest in your brand with different levels of membership, unlocking exclusive benefits like special offers and more.

3.  Responding to Customer Support Questions 

Optimize your customer support interactions by incorporating XMTP keywords into web3 automation triggers.

Utilize Holder to design automation flows that analyze incoming XMTP messages for specific keywords. When a keyword, such as "support" is identified, the system automatically dispatches a wallet message to the corresponding user. Strategically plan and customize the keywords and responses you want to automate.

Implementing web3 keyword automation enhances your brand's responsiveness, ensuring prompt customer assistance and higher customer satisfaction.

4. Capturing New Leads 

Set up XMTP Automation to streamline lead captures, demo scheduling, and more.

Boost your lead acquisition by prompting interested users to send the keyword "demo" to your wallet address. Develop an automation flow using Holder’s XMTP chatbot builder to respond automatically with a form to book a demo or schedule time right in the XMTP conversation.

Develop a tailored automation flow that starts your customer’s journey off on the right message.

5. Subscribing Users to Preferences

Update your customer's preferences automatically with XMTP Automation. 

Create a comprehensive XMTP Automation flow with multiple keyword triggers to categorize your subscribers according to their preferences. Notify users that they can modify their wallet messaging subscriptions by responding to your XMTP wallet messages with keywords such as "Newsletter," "Announcements," and more depending on what you choose to do. When users message an XMTP keyword, their preferences will be promptly updated in Holder, either adding them to or removing them from the specified list.

Using XMTP Automation will empower your customers to have control over their journey and empower you to constantly respect their communication preferences.

Off-load manual communication with Holder’s XMTP chatbot — save yourself time and create personalized, coherent web3 customer journeys for your audience. 

Web3 automation can be a life-save — get started using it today. Sign up for a free Holder account or schedule a demo to learn more. 

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