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Release Notes: November 2023

Joel Moser
November 10, 2023

Our team is excited to share that our latest release is now live, with the majority of our new features revolving around XMTP multi-sender management, scheduling, and more. Below, you can find a quick run-through of a few new additions made to our product — sign up today to see the latest features in action.

New Holder Features

Connect Multiple XMTP Identities

You can now connect and manage multiple XMTP identities in your Holder account. This allows you to set up multiple sender profiles and diversify your communications.

We also introduced lightweight user permissions to allow you to share a sender profile with other users in your account and revoke access at any time. This allows you to easily use branded wallet identities without sharing access to XMTP keys or wallet private keys. 

Note that this is separate from the Holder Inbox and these identities are only used for sending messages from our message builder. It does not grant access to other account users to view messages in that inbox.

Message Scheduling

Emails and wallet messages can be scheduled to go out at a later date. Plan and schedule your marketing communications in advance.

New Filters

You can now filter your contacts down by whether or not they have XMTP enabled or an ENS primary domain. You can also filter contacts down by subscription preferences to see unsubscribes and subscriptions to specific subscription types.

Simplified Navigation Header

We now have a new, sleeker navigation header that standardizes our overall user experience. 

The new header brings a more consistent design and you can now reach your Holder Inbox,  account details, and help docs across the entire application.

Toast Design

To make our drop-down notifications more consistent across the application, we also redesigned our toasts. Now, all of our notification drop-downs include a progress bar and follow a more consistent design.

Be on the lookout for upcoming updates:

  • Social Data and Filters
  • We'll be enriching wallet contacts with Farcaster and Lens data and adding more filtering options.
  • XMTP Inbox Improvements
  • Our XMTP inbox will integrate more contact data from your Holder account.
  • List and Filter Overhaul
  • We are giving our list-building and segmenting a user experience makeover.

If you want to be an early beta user of any of these new features, reach out. 

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