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6 Best Practices for Crafting Engaging Wallet Messages

Ariana Layton
August 1, 2023

With the advent of wallet messaging as a new marketing and communication channel, it is important to think about the best ways to structure your communication and engage with end users. 

After our first article showcasing the value of wallet messaging, today, we are digging into part two of our Holder Wallet Messaging Series around best practices for wallet messaging. 

Marketing practices are evolving to cater to the decentralized and user-centric nature of blockchain technologies. 

In general, emphasizing transparency, authenticity, and community engagement are the most important practices in web3 marketing. 

To see success in your web3 marketing efforts, it’s crucial to foster a community by actively engaging with your web3 audience. Community-driven marketing consists of directly involving users in decision-making processes, encouraging user-generated content, and rewarding active participation. 

Wallet messaging is just one tool to help empower brands to communicate with more transparency, trust, and authenticity. 

Wallet Messaging Best Practices 

Here are six best practices that will help you elevate your wallet messaging campaigns: 

1. Keep it concise 

Customers are more likely to engage with shorter messages. Lengthy content often becomes confusing and the call-to-action (CTA) usually gets lost in all the information. Wallet messages today are plain-text messages and more akin to text messages, so treat them more like an SMS marketing campaign than a lengthy email newsletter.

2. Personalize it

Personalized messages tend to resonate better with customers, eliciting higher engagement rates. Web3 brands can personalize wallet messaging in various ways ranging from sending real-time alerts, to sending re-engagement campaigns

3. Use Emojis

Brands that use emojis in their messaging strategies appear more relatable to customers. Not only are emojis fun, but they also better relay the emotion of the message. 

In the Holder Wallet Newsletter we use emojis to enhance our messages. Sign up to receive our next wallet newsletter! 

4. Include CTAs

The purpose of any marketing strategy is to convert individuals into loyal customers. No matter the marketing channel, brands should include a CTA in every message — a CTA inclines consumers to act now (making the purchase, reading the blog, requesting a demo, watching a video, engaging with a social post, etc.)

5. Send Timely Notifications

It’s important to send alerts and messages at the right time. With wallet messaging, brands can send personalized messages to inform the right audiences of the right information — messaging customers about their favorite product drops, exclusive offers, industry updates, and more. The message should be sent at a time that makes the most sense for your consumer — you probably won’t want an exclusive offer in the middle of the night, but rather send it immediately after a customer churns from your site or purchases a complimentary product. 

6. Automate Alerts

Ensure your messages get sent at the right time with the right context using Holder’s marketing automation. Brands can utilize the power of web3 automation on a web3 CRM platform, like Holder. Web3 automation enables brands to preset triggers that issue messages directly into the wallets of their customers based on activities they are taking on the blockchain. 

Keep up with the Holder Library to learn more how-tos, strategies, and tips for wallet messaging. 

By the end of this in-depth series, your marketing team will feel empowered to better communicate with your brand community in their wallets. 

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